Click this link for FAQs regarding meditation, mantra, or using DestinationOM custom malas.
The good thing about a mala is that while you are sitting in meditation you can use the beads to count inhale and exhale. Once you become focused on a certain path then you will be given a mantra to recite.
The benefit to counting on a mala is that you are able to gauge the time that you have been sitting in meditation. Often times our mind wanders, we get frustrated or "fidgety" and wonder "Is it over yet?" :) But with a mala, you know how long it takes for you to do a "full round (108)" maybe it takes you 40 minutes to do 108 beads (counting your inhale and exhale).
In the taming of the mind and overcoming its ability to force you out of can entertain it at times be knowing "how much longer you have". As you become better at your meditations and your ability to sit becomes can lengthen your inhales and exhales or begin reciting mantras.
One mantra that is commonly used is "HUM SA" or "SO HAM" which means "I am That" or "That is I". At DestinationOM we recommend this mantra to beginners because it is non-denominational and is tuning you into your breathe.
CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO INSTRUCTION BY DESTINATION OM - "HUM" is on the INHALE and "SA" on the EXHALE - PAY ATTENTION to your breathing and the space between breaths, eventually this space will increase but don't force it - otherwise it becomes contrived.