Same time. Same location. Same cushion. Same clothes.
Routine in life is how we as humans function and to take up a new hobby like playing guitar would also take time out of a schedule.
What you have to do is convince yourself that YOU DESERVE QUIET TIME and to sit in peace is when the rest of life makes sense and you will be AMAZED how orderly and simple your life becomes WITH a regular meditation practice.
How does spending more time meditating save more time in the "world we live in"? Simple. A still mind is able to react to various situations in a timely manner and with clarity, no need to return to "finish the job". With this peace of mind comes added time, your efficiency will rise and you will have more strength to deal with what life has in store.
It is not about the AMOUNT of time either it is about that second of clarity, that second of bliss where you are unaware of where you start and everything else begins. In these states of mind it feels like you have been sitting for an infinite amount of time and when you finish your meditation it was simply MINUTES!
So schedule a time for your meditation and make it routine. There is SOMETHING you do EVERY MORNING that never changes (ex. brush your teeth) so have your meditation run parallel to this routine and take 5 minutes to sit and as it becomes routine you can extend the time if you wish.
The key is quite and stillness that brings tranquility and peace.
Don't be hard on yourself but be regular :)